"Being Transgender" is a look into the heart of the Transgender community. For and about anyone who identifies as transgender. It is meant to resonate within the trans community itself. A body of work structured and presented in such a way that will enable a better understanding of who we are. This is not a justification of our existence nor a documentary of our pain and struggles. However it is not possible to capture elements of that pain and the dark paths we travel when trying do a project of this scope.
The proceeds for this project will be used to support the transgender community. As a traveling art show for galleries museums and black-tie events. The show will consist of a collection of large and small print as well as some audio and video elements.
I have selected two other photographers outside the community (Randy & Gene) to help me make this a reality. The style will be a combination of classic studio work, photojournalism and any style that will reflect the eclectic nature of the community and indevedual.
We have a long way to go so we are constantly looking for new faces and life story's to add to the body of the work . If you identify as Transgender in any fashion feel free to contact me by clicking the action button and filling out the form.